In TH 11 most attacks comes with bowler combos..
Bowler Healer Combo:
This typically is comprised of around 30 bowlers and 6-8 healers. The tactics here are to use your bowlers on two adjacent corners of the map with 3 or 4 healers behind each group. Take down the outer defenses and buildings with this and clear and very straight forward path into the middle of the map. You’ll be using a rage, a jump and a freeze to ensure that this is done with relative ease. Once the corners are cleared, drop the rest of the bowlers either behind a Google or behind a few giants – also drop your heroes with them. There is also the possibility to have a couple of other healers at this stage to help keep the bowlers up.
Bowler Witch Combo:
This is a slightly more unusual combination but one that is a little bit more fun to use or at least I think so as I have a soft spot for witches. In the recent updates, there has been very little room for witches at the top end of the game which is a shame as they are a skillful unit to try and use effectively.